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Dabur Lal Tail is a specially crafted ayurvedic baby massage oil made with time tested ingredients that have many proven benefits for babies. It is clinically tested proven to give 2x faster physical growth. It contains Ratyanjot which helps protect the baby's skin, camphor which helps with blood circulation, Shankhpushpi which is good for skin health and in weakness, and rad nourishes muscles and bones. Regular massage with Dabur Lal Tail also helps relieve colic and other digestive problems, improves the sleep patterns of your little one, and stimulates blood circulation. (On the basis of 10-week clinical research on babies up to 6 months of age in comparison to no massage group.)
Sesamum Indicum Oil, Evolvulus Alsinoides, Phaseolus Radiates, Pinus Longifolia, Onosma Echioides, Dryobalanops Camphora.
- Place baby stomach down and massage from the head down.
- Place the baby on its back and repeat it.
- Flex arms and legs for a minute.
- If the baby is relaxed and reciprocates, continue.
- Massage twice a day.